Education for Sustainable Healthcare

NHS Lothian aims to be a lead organisation for Sustainable Healthcare with staff empowered to put sustainability at the heart of their practice.

The MED team includes a Medical Education Fellow to promote Education for Sustainable Healthcare. The Medical Education Fellow (Environmental Sustainability) assists with integrating the principles of Sustainable Healthcare into clinical practice and medical education, please email to find out more.

Here are some ideas to help you find out more about sustainable healthcare and how these principles can be included in your teaching.

Principles of Sustainable Healthcare

I would like to...Promising approaches / Tools
Find out more about the principles of sustainable healthcare.I've got 5 minutes... Look at the ‘Principles of Sustainable Healthcare.’
I've got more time... Complete the elearning for healthcare modules on environmentally sustainable healthcare.
Integrate the principles of sustainable healthcare into my teaching.I've got 5 minutes... Have a look at the ‘Education for sustainable healthcare curriculum for the UK’
I've got 1 hour... Read the following article about Education for sustainable healthcare.
I've got more time... Join one of the Clinical Educator Programme workshops on Teaching Environmentally Sustainable Healthcare – you can sign up on TuBS.

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