The Medical Education Directorate: home of learning in Lothian

About the Medical Education Directorate

The Medical Education Directorate (MED) aims to develop the NHS Lothian clinical education strategy. It is led by Dr Simon Edgar, the Director of Medical Education.

Welcome from Dr Simon Edgar, our DME

NHS Lothian welcomes hundreds of postgraduate doctors in training every year and we are so glad to have you! We aspire to ensure that your training is awesome.


Planning, developing and evaluating all aspects of clinical education to ensure high-quality induction, supervision, experience, environment and support for all postgraduate (PG) doctors and undergraduate (UG) students


Ensuring UG students of medicine are prepared for clinical practice through engagement with relevant and rewarding experiences in the clinical setting


Allocating financial, logistical and event-based resources to support undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, learning, assessment and feedback activities


Developing and supporting a clinical educators network through NHS Lothian aligned to the GMC "Recognition of Trainers" standards


Ensuring on-going communication and collaboration with both the regional Postgraduate Dean and the Director of Undergraduate Learning & Teaching at the University of Edinburgh Medical School.


Oversight of the quality of both PG and UG medical education in clinical areas and in liaison with Deanery and Medical School, ensure that the relevant educational aspects of the GMC standards are monitored and reported