Training and Career Resources
Training and Career Progression
A) WINS: Welcoming International Medical Graduates New to Scotland
Aims to provide you with:
Helpful information as you begin your career in the NHS and life in the UK
An opportunity to meet other peers in similar circumstances and share wisdom
To join: Please follow link above for instructions.
NHS Scotland have also created a Guide for IMGs: link
Medical Training in Scotland
The Scotland Deanery, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and Scottish Medical Training websites provide invaluable information on recruitment and training.
Career Progression
Our Royal Colleges in Edinburgh (Physicians / Surgeons), Glasgow, and London (Physicians / Surgeons); and the Scotland Deanery, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Websites provide an extensive range of educational events you can choose to attend to enhance your knowledge, skills and competencies for your continuous professional development.
In addition, locally you will have access to:
Hospital organised teaching for Foundation Year Doctors
Core Medical Training Days and Specialty Specific Training Days
Departmental Teaching
(all advertised locally and incorporated into your Rotas)
You may also want to refer to these other useful local resources:
B) Local NHS Lothian IMG Training and Teaching Opportunities
Wednesdays once a month, via Teams - advertised on WhatsApp Group
In Acute and General Medicine RIE - we are holding small group tutorials fortnightly on Thursdays between 1.30 to 2pm in OPD4 Seminar Room - dates to be advertised. Feel free to drop in. These will cover acute assessment of patients, communication and handover procedures.
Lost In Translation??
"Language is a road map of a culture. It tells you where people come from and where they are going." - Rita MacBrown
We can all sometimes get lost in translation and in the intricate nuances of language - accents, differences and barriers.
We in the NHS sometimes forget that the acronyms and terms we use are not a universal language understood by all.
We've put together an acronym 'dictionary' of sorts (in this document below) to help you recognise and understand some that you may come across in your daily work - spoken or written. The Understanding NHS jargon page is also very useful.
Acronyms dictionary
This website - 'Spikkin Scots' is well worth a visit and may help you recognise and understand the different dialects across Scotland.