A training agreement between Doctors in Training, Supervisors and the employing Organisation, NHS Lothian

Training Compact

This compact (agreement), developed by Drs in Training, consultant supervisors and stakeholders in the NHS Lothian organisation has been updated from its previous iteration, and aims to describe the aspirations and expectations of all parties, promoting a shared understanding and development of a fair and mutually supportive training and employment environment. It is still undergoing ongoing development, and your input into it is very much welcomed.

Compact between Doctors in Training, Supervisors & the NHS Lothian Organisation


Compact summary

This document is a copy of the above image in case you would like to see it in a larger format.

More Detailed information underwriting the Compact

Please do click into these documents for more detailed information on each aspect of the compact

Previous Training Compact: 2018 Version 1

  • NHS Lothian Training Compact (login)