Young Employee Network


About the Network

We're rebranding! The Youth Network is now the Young Employee Network; please bear with us while we update our logo and email address!

The Young Employee Network supports NHS Lothian staff to be the voice for young employees in the organisation, and be at the forefront of our drive to create a visionary culture for our young staff.

NHS Lothian’s Young Employee Network is set out to support young people who are part of NHS Lothian’s workforce.

The aim is to provide a safe and secure space for people aged 30 and under working with NHS Lothian to network and connect with others, learn about different career progression routes, and be provided with industry recognised training to support career development.

How will we do this? We will do this by providing different opportunities and a place to connect. We will aim to offer 6 meetings per year (a mix of in person and online) as well as offer a variety of training programmes and opportunities for short education sessions/lunch and learns. We will focus on what YOU in the network are hoping to gain. This could be leadership skills, health and well being tips/activities, mentoring opportunities, targeted training, and more!

For more information and to find out how to join NHS Lothian's Young Employee Network, please email or join our MS Teams Channel LOTH Young Employee Network.


Upcoming Meetings

Our next meeting will be Thursday 12 September, 12.30-13.30 on Teams. We'll be discussing Winter Wellness Preparation – how to start good habits now to sustain throughout the winter months

Future Meetings

  • Thursday 21 November, 12.30-13.30 - Holiday Celebration/Feedback and planning for next year (location TBC)

Youth Network Terms of Reference video