The Scotland Deanery's Quality Improvement team visit sites throughout the year

Deanery Visits

The Deanery will aim to visit every speciality within 5 years, although they may trigger an early visit if there are perceived problems. These are often triggered by results from the GMC National Training Survey.

Pre-visit Questionnaire

Survey links are emailed in the weeks leading up to the visit. Provides additional data and drives discussion during the visit.

Trainee & Staff Interviews

Discussions led by the Deanery team with questions based on the GMC survey and pre-visit questionnaire. Attendance is mandatory unless you're on leave.


Led by the Deanery team at the end of a visit with a report on anonymised responses from trainees and recommendations for improvements to training.

Deanery Report

Sent to the Clinical Director and ADME with recommendations presented in feedback session.

Deanery Responses

Response from the CD to the Deanery’s recommendations, tracked by the ADME and Quality Officer to ensure recommendations are taken forward/implemented as necessary.