Basic IT set up

On moving to NHS Lothian, you should have basic IT access to include Microsoft 365 access, TRAK and HEPMA access and supporting hardware.


What set up should you expect

From Day One

Access to NHS Lothian IT systems should all be managed automatically when you rotate between health boards. The Medical Education team work closely with the Digital&IT team and NES in the weeks leading up to every induction. This means when you start with us, the team can provide you with the following:

  • PC username and password [the username will be your GMC number]

  • NHS Lothian email username and password [this will give you access to a wide range of Microsoft 365 products.]

  • TRAK username and password

  • HEPMA username and password (if used by your department)

If you have not used TRAK or HEPMA before, training will be arranged for you and you will receive your username and password after this is complete. Please check with your department if this has been booked. If not, please ask at induction. Your department will arrange for access to any other clinical applications or systems they use.

You will not be able to access clinical systems [like TRAK/HEPMA] from home unless you have a VPN or a work laptop – you should ask your clinical service [not Medical Education] if you need this such as for on-call.

When you end training / have time out of programme

If I am moving from a training post to a non-training post, do I need to do anything? YES, YOU DO! Your trainee email is managed by NES. When you finish training, it will go inactive 30 days after your NES training stops.

- During this time, it can be moved over to NHS Lothian so you need to submit an eHealth form within that time, or a few days prior to ending training. Digital&IT need to know which department you are moving into etc. The form is Service Catalogue - Service Portal ( .

- It can be ‘retrieved’ after the 30 days but some information will be lost.


We expect you will be fully compliant and up to date with your Learnpro modules prior to induction, particularly Information Governance. Please note, PC and NHS Lothian user details will not be provided until this module is complete.

You can refer to our LearnPro pages for further details.


If you have been to Lothian on a previous rotation, your log in details will be the same and Digital&IT will provide you with a reset password.

If you are moving from another NHS Lothian site, you should not have any issues logging in although there may be some applications where you will need to change your location, e.g. TRAK, so the correct ward appears when you login.

If you have come from another Health Board in Scotland, your email account can be merged onto Lothian's network so you do not lose any of the data you have stored on Outlook.

Digital&IT Service Desk

If you experience any issues with IT, the Digital&IT service desk can be contacted on 0131 536 5050 or 85050 internal. But it is far quicker to use the online service desk to raise a ticket - works for everything except when you dont have your basic computer/email login working. Use these links.


NHS Lothian User ID request form

This form, signed by your Consultant or Education Manager, is needed for many account changes.