Near Me Video Consultations
Video calls are now common place, and increasingly used for NHS work, especially where physical contact is not needed / can be delegated. Good practice guidance is growing.
What is Near Me Vide0
Using video for clinical work can be almost as good as face-to-face as long as it is good quality and used in the right situations. Physical examination is not needed for every consultation and cn sometimes be delegated. Patients can struggle to access busy waiting rooms, where germs also abound. It saves health-related travel and thus is a green alternative. Groups can now use video consultations too.
Near Me [also called Attend Anywhere] is a patient-related video consultation platform adapted for use in NHS Scotland and increasingly by council and third sector colleagues.
Clinician Guides
this demo video shows you what the system looks like for both patient and clinician.
this 3-min video shows how to easily and quickly get the web-link to the patient by secure text/email.
the national Near Me website with lots of guides and resources to help you work out how this could be used in your service.
Easy Read Clinician Guide
Patient Information
Patient Guide - remember that patients must always be offered a non-video choice such as phone [if suitable] or attending in person.
Near Me for Groups
See this groups page from the National Near Me team. These are especially useful for patient/parents/carer-education sessions as well as formal therapeutic groups.
Which platform to use
You should use Near Me for actual patient appointments and groups.
You can use Teams for professionals meetings including talking about patients [eg a referral meeting]
You can join a Teams call or a Zoom call set up by a trusted provider such as the council for Adult/Child protection work, even if this meeting includes a patient.
NearMe overview
An overview of how NearMe works from Dr Rob Waller, ADME for REH