Getting to our hospital



By Bus

The main hub for buses is at the front (eastside) of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, with bus stops on Little France Crescent, near the RHCYP and DCN Building and on Old Dalkeith Road for buses going into Edinburgh.

There is a live bus timetable located on both entrances to the facility.

For further information on bus services and travel information, bus trackers are in place on site or see:

By Taxi

The taxi drop off rank is located on the approach to the Hospital Square, adjacent to the Anne Rowling Centre.

Drop Off Zones

A drop off zone for RHCYP Emergency Department (ED) entrance is located adjacent to the RIE ED, with a further additional drop off zone for RIE Emergency Department. This area is carefully managed to aid access and no unattended vehicles are permitted.


Staff and visitor parking on site is managed as part of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh PFI and the current car parking provider is NCP. The designated staff car park is car park 2C.

Across the Bio Quarter as a whole there are 112 disabled spaces for use by staff and visitors across the site. Such spaces are appropriately marked and are specifically reserved for use by blue badge holders.

For detailed and up to date information about these car parks, charges and permits please refer to NHS Lothian internet or intranet sites for information. This information may be found under RIE rather than Bio Quarter.

The RHCYP/DCN has three proximity areas (1A, 1D and 1E) with a limited number of spaces for patients and visitors with specific access requirements (see below for details of eligibility and process for patients and visitors to access these areas). These areas are barrier controlled with number plate recognition and are managed by NHS Lothian Facilities Logistics Services via the NHSL FM Helpdesk for bookings.

Not all spaces within these areas are bookable as some will be retained for emergency and essential drop off and deliveries.