Mastery Skills Lab
What is the mastery skills lab?
A new drop in space designed for self-directed practice of procedural skills
Current skills set up - chest drain, lumbar puncture, venepuncture and cannulation
Who can use this?
Lumbar puncture and chest drain - postgraduates who have accessed the mastery pre-learning resources available online (
Venepuncture and cannulation - anyone is welcome to use this resource, useful videos can be found here:
When and where?
Open access from Monday morning until Friday afternoon - no need to book, just drop in
Mastery Training Room, Simulation Suite, SDSC, 1st Floor, SJH
Please complete the feedback forms so we can understand how you are using the space, whether you find this useful and how we can improve.
If there are skills you would like to be included or you have any questions, please do get in touch via email