Doctors learnPro

As part of a Lothian-wide review of mandatory training, all doctors in NHS Lothian are required to log in to Doctors learnPro to complete mandatory online training comprising of both corporate and clinical interactive modules.


SES - Virtual Induction Passport

During every Rotation, eHealth provide the Medical Education Directorate with the following for all Resident Doctors that are new to, or are rotating in from any health board out with NHS Lothian:

  • NHS Lothian email username and password

  • PC username and password

  • Trak username and password

  • HEPMA username and password

Access for any other clinical applications or systems will be provided by your department.

To ensure that we can hand these over, you must be fully compliant and have completed the following SES - Virtual Induction Passport 48hr Mandatory Modules on Doctors learnPro:

  • Lothian: Basic Life Support (Adult) - must be completed every 24 months

  • SES Induction: Public Protection Course - must be completed every 24 months

  • SES: Information Governance - must be completed every 24 months

  • SES: Doctors Induction (FY1's only)

  • SES: Conflict Management - must be completed every 24 months

  • SES: Fire Safety - must be completed every 12 months

  • SES: Health and Safety (3 Scenarios) - must be completed every 24 months

  • SES: Manual Handling - must be completed every 24 months

You can access these modules by following the link below:

SES Virtual Induction Passport Passport - VIP

If you haven't got a Doctors learnPro account, please contact and they will provide you with a learnPro ID Number.

If you can't see these modules on Doctors learnPro, please make sure that your location has been updated to your incoming site and that your VIP pathway is correct, please see the Doctors learnPro Pictorial Guide below to help with your registration. If you are still running into any issues, please contact your local Medical Education Coordinator to help resolve them.

If you are going to be using Trak, please make sure that you have completed the Lothian: Trak Rapid: Doctors module so that you can generate a certificate in case of any issues.

If you are going to be using HEPMA, please make sure that you have completed the Lothian: HEPMA for Prescribers module so that you can generate a certificate in case of any issues.

If you have never used Trak and/or HEPMA, the eHealth Training Team will be present at all of the Medical Staff Inductions at The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, St John's Hospital and the Western General Hospital to book a face to face training session. Please check with your department first if this applies to you as they may have already prebooked a slot for you.

Below is a pictorial to setting up your account on the South East Scotland (SES) VIP Passport for Resident Doctors.


How to create an account

  • Doctors learnPro Pictorial Guide (login)