SimConverse Instructions
SimConverse is an exciting new piece of software we are piloting in Lothian.
If you have already registered your interest, you can access the platform by /u/login/identifier?state=hqFo2SBDdndkaEhlQWstWmg5ZXM4bHVMcnlWQXVxQi1NTFV6VqFur3VuaXZlcnNhbC1sb2dpbqN0aWTZIGJHS2tPRFRnbmN6eE8yaDV5MkRVQWFKaG94aGlFUElDo2NpZNkgbDRVdEMzMjN3bFo0N2Z1TEJQbnljZXROYjBzMDV1R02lb3JnaWS0b3JnX2JONU9qd0JOSG5OR3prZ1inb3JnbmFtZdkkZGVjODUzNDgtMmQ5My00NTMwLTk1ZDAtMmJjOThjMTdkZGE2 or using the link below. If you wish to register interest, please see the poster & QR code.
When signing into SimConverse for the first time, enter your email address. When it prompts you for a password, click the "Forgot password?" link below the password field, and follow the instructions from there.
A tutorial assignment is available to you for practice prior to completing the assignments.
If you have difficulty accessing your assignments, you can reach SimConverse Support by emailing