Foundation Teaching aligned to the Curriculum and delivered locally

Foundation Teaching Programme

The Foundation Teaching Programme in NHS Lothian is mapped to the Foundation Curriculum.
Blocks 1 to 3 are delivered weekly in FY1.
Blocks 4 to 6 are delivered weekly in FY2.

Foundation Year 1 Teaching
In the first year of the Foundation Programme we provide 3 sets of teaching sessions that deliver a wide range of learning opportunities aligned to the Curriculum. RIE: Tuesdays 12:30pm to 1:30pm // SJH: Wednesdays 3pm to 4pm // WGH: Thursdays 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Foundation Year 2 Teaching
The 2nd year of the Foundation Programme brings with it an expansion of the learning opportunities provided through the delivery of another 3 sets of weekly teaching sessions. RIE: Thursdays 12:30pm to 1:30pm // SJH: Tuesdays 3pm to 4pm // WGH: Tuesdays 12:30pm to 1:30pm