Why and how do we monitor rotas?


Why monitor rotas?

Monitoring is vital in ensuring junior doctors are being paid properly for the work they do.

Each rota you work is based on a rota template approved by the NHS Lothian compliance team. Monitoring ensures that when this template is transformed in to a working rota it remains New Deal compliant. Monitoring also confirms (or refutes!) the pay band of the rota.

Monitoring is a contractual obligation of both the employer and the individual junior doctor.


How do we monitor rotas?

In NHS Lothian we use the Doctors Rostering System (DRS3) for rota monitoring. This software was developed within the NHS and approved by SGHD.

Rotas are monitored twice a year. Monitoring periods must be representative of the workload and pattern of your attachment. The monitoring period must capture a minimum of 75% of all shift types across the role of the rota.

Your diary card is classified as pay documentation. It is a legal document that must be retained by the Board for 7 years.

DRS electronic monitoring

This 5 minute video takes you through how to access and navigate the monitoring software and how to enter your data.

Work episodes

This 3 minute video explains how to record on call and partial shift workload. (Note: the vast majority of rotas within NHS Lothian are full shift rotas- recording of their work times is covered in the DRS electronic systems video)


Useful documents

  • Guidance for Completion of DRS Electronic Diary Cards (login)