Educational and learning resources

Educational and learning resources


Educational governance

Training and assessing our trainees is dependant upon frequent workplace based assessments (WBAs) and a system of regular feedback to the trainee. This is obviously a two-way process and trainers and trainees alike must take responsibility for successful training.

  • Mr Neil Cahoon and Ms Philippa Rust are the Programme Directors and will have an overview of all the trainees in Edinburgh. Neil is for STs and Philippa is for CTs

  • At induction trainees will be allocated to an “assigned educational supervisor” (AES). This will apply to ALL STs and LATs.

  • CT1 and CT2 trainees have their an AES assigned by the University but all consultants will act as their clinical supervisors.

Trainees must:

  • Meet with their AES to discuss the educational needs and to formulate a learning agreement within the first two weeks of their appointment.

  • Complete and validate one WBA per week (at least 40 per year), spaced throughout the year. It is not acceptable to complete them all at the last minute. Try to use SHARP protocol.

  • Attend 70% of all pan Scotland teaching days.

  • Arrange an interim meeting with your AES around the midway point of the year or post whichever is sooner, to discuss progress and achievements with their learning agreements.

  • Arrange a final meeting with the AES to sign off on the learning agreement. The ARCP meetings are in June of each year and held centrally in Perth. The sign of meeting therefore needs to be in May. This will need to be on a different timescale for those trainees who are with us for less than one year.

Participation in publication and audit is strongly encouraged.

Your AES will keep a record of your training. It is the responsibility of the trainee to complete and have validated the WBA’s, to arrange a monthly feedback meeting with the clinical supervisor and have this recorded and signed.

All trainees will be discussed at each consultant meeting, problems or concerns identified and fed back to the trainee by their AES or deputy. The outcomes of the meetings will also be recorded.



Friday educational programme

Every Friday afternoon there is the departmental educational session. This takes place in the Education Centre on the 1st floor of SJH or at RHCYP and is occasionally supported by a drug company with lunch provided around 1:30pm. There are then a series of presentations on a particular aspect of the plastic surgery curriculum, coordinated by one of the registrars. Attendance is mandatory for all medical staff, including FY1s and an attendance sheet needs to be signed. This is for postgraduate education purposes.

Teaching can also be joined using Teams

Pan Scotland Postgraduate Teaching days

These happen 6 times per year. All registrars are released to attend. The venue rotates between the 4 centres in Scotland (Dundee, Livingston, Aberdeen and Glasgow). Please ask the secretaries or teaching rota coordinator for a list of all the dates and venues.

The additional teaching we have is National Teaching Program delivered by BAPRAS once a month available remotely; it is also recorded for trainees to access again in their own time; unfortunately we do not have library any more in the hospital; we have a small library in the registrar's office.




The library is located on the 1st floor and is open from 8am to 8pm. It is very well equipped with educational resources and computers. There are also plastic surgery textbooks and selected readings.

Other resources

There is a collection of useful journals and textbooks in the Plastic Surgery meeting room in the department offices. All published journals are available to NHS employees via the “Athens” system. For security some of the more expensive books and DVDs are kept under lock and key by the consultants but are available to anyone who wishes to read them. Please do not remove those books from their room.


We trust that you will enjoy your time within the plastic surgery department and we like to think that we promote a friendly work environment. However should you feel the victim of a grievance for any reason; please highlight this to the appropriate individual.

We would suggest in the first instance that the best person to highlight the issue to would be your Assigned Educational Supervisor (AES). If you feel that you cannot discuss this with your AES (e.g. they are on leave/unavailable), please feel free to discuss with any of the other consultants within the department who will be happy to assist. If this is not possible then in suggested order of escalation, you can contact your foundation year supervisor (FY trainees), your overall Core / Specialty Training Supervisor (CT/STs), the hospital medical director or the deanery (Philip Cachia (PG Dean) / Rod Mountain (APG Dean)).

NHS Lothian also has a formal grievance procedure and protocol which can be found at the following link on the intranet


Useful protocol documents

  • Hand Emergencies (login)
  • Necrotising Fascitis (login)
  • Protocol for Hand Injuries for A&E (login)
  • Breast Surgery St John’s Escalation Policy (login)
  • Protocol for suspected Haemorrhage in breast patients (login)
  • Out of Hours Inpatient Breast Surgical Emergencies Protocol (login)
  • Post-op proforma for major cases (mastectomy / flaps) (login)
  • WARD 18 – Referral and Transfers from Other Hospitals (login)