Domain 3: Teaching and facilitating learning


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This domain focusses on how you work with trainees to facilitate their learning.

The effective supervisor: NEED LINK

  • Has an up-to-date subject knowledge and/or skills

  • Provides direct guidance on clinical work where appropriate

  • Has effective supervisory conversational skills

  • Plans learning and teaching episodes

  • Uses a range of appropriate teaching interventions in the clinical setting

  • Facilitates a wide variety of learning opportunities

  • Helps the trainee develop an ability for self-directed learning

  • Allows the trainee to make contributions to clinical practice of graduated value and importance commensurate with their competence

  • Use technology enhanced learning where appropriate e.g. simulation

  • Encourages access to formal learning opportunities e.g study days


Evidence for Domain 3

Courses attended or programmes undertaken, including face-to-face and online learning, with a focus on facilitating learning

GMC Trainee or Scottish Training Survey (STS) Results

  • Evidence should demonstrate discussion, reflection and action on these results

  • Your local ADME will be able to provide these if your department have not received them

Other feedback from trainees

  • MSF/360 feedback

  • Reflection of face-to-face meetings with trainees referencing teaching

Details of learning programmes, study schedules and timetables for trainees

  • This can include teaching plans, a log of teaching delivered and feedback from trainees or peers. Should include evidence of reflection and development actions.

  • Courses you are involved in delivering, with learner feedback

Evidence of recent initiatives to enhance the provision of learning opportunities