Domain 4: Enhancing learning through assessment
this page is under development, feedback to
This domain focusses on your approach to assessment and feedback.
The effective supervisor: NEED LINK
Regularly observes the trainee’s performance and offers feedback
Plans and/or monitors assessment activities
Uses workplace-based assessments appropriately
Provides feedback that is clear, focussed and aimed at improving specific aspects of trainee performance
Ensures that the trainee participates in 360’ appraisal
Supports the trainee in preparation for professional external examinations
Evidence for Domain 4
Courses attended or programmes undertaken, including face-face and online learning, with a focus on assessment
GMC Trainee or Scottish Training Survey (STS) Results
Evidence should demonstrate discussion, reflection and action on these results
Your local ADME will be able to provide these if your department have not received them
Other feedback from trainees
MSF/360 feedback
Reflection of face-to-face meetings with trainees referencing assessments
Details of programmes, study schedules and timetables for trainees indicating assessment modes, patterns and relevance to learning
Should include reflections and development actions
Evidence of attendance at ARCPs
This should include evidence of feedback given to trainees together with reflections and development actions identified (anonymised)
Feedback from peers
relating to external examining or professional assessment
Anonymised examples of competed work-place based assessments
Evidence of acting as an examiner
certificate from College or University.
Questions you have written for College or University exams