Domain 5: Supporting and monitoring educational progress


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This domain focusses on the support you provide to trainees in their progression towards a Certificate of Completion of Training and their intended career destination.

The effective supervisor: NEED LINK

  • Agrees an educational contract at the outset of the training period

  • Understands the curricula requirements of the specialty and stage of training

  • Identifies learning needs and sets educational objectives

  • Involves the trainee in the above processes

  • Reviews and monitors progress though regular timetabled meetings

  • Ensures that appropriate records are kept in relation to trainee progress

  • Uses the educational portfolio appropriately and encourages their use by trainees

  • Provides a structured supervisor’s report that discriminates between the trainee’s strengths and areas of concern

  • Provides continuity of supervision or ensures effective educational handover

  • Responds efficiently and effectively to emerging problems of trainee progress

  • Is aware of and can access available support for the trainee in difficulty

  • Understands their role and responsibilities within the educational governance structures of their local education provider, Deanery and College


Evidence for Domain 5

Courses attended or programmes undertaken, including face-face and online learning, with a focus on educational progress

GMC Trainee or Scottish Training Survey (STS) Results

  • Evidence should demonstrate discussion, reflection and action on these results

  • Your local ADME will be able to provide these if your department have not received them

Other feedback from trainees

  • MSF/360 feedback

  • Reflection of face-to-face meetings with trainees referencing educational progress

Anonymised examples of meeting, records of trainee progress and learning plans

  • May include anonymised examples from trainee e-portfolio, including educational supervisors reports and personal development plans

Anonymised case studies of the management of a trainee in difficulty

  • May include evidence between relevant parties and trainers involved in that.

Feedback from peers relating to involvement in organisational and professional activities

Records of other relevant activities undertaken

  • This may include involvement in recruitment, training committees etc

  • Evidence of attendance at trainee interviews