Domain 6: Guiding personal and professional development


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This domain focusses on the support you provide to trainees in relation to their personal and professional development.

The effective supervisor:

  • Provides a positive role model through demonstration of exemplary professional behaviours and relationships

  • Has effective supervisory conversational skills

  • Can set and maintain appropriate boundaries e.g. social/professional

  • Understands when and where to refer on to other agencies e.g. occupational health, counselling, deanery careers unit

  • Ensures that the trainee is aware of the requirements of, and participates in NHS Appraisal

  • Ensures that the trainee participates in multisource feedback

  • Signposts the trainee to sources of career support


Evidence for Domain 6

Courses attended or programmes undertaken, including face-face and online learning, with a focus on personal and professional development.

GMC Trainee or Scottish Training Survey (STS) Results

  • Evidence should demonstrate discussion, reflection and action on these results

  • Your local ADME will be able to provide these if your department have not received them

Other feedback from trainees

  • MSF/360 feedback

  • Reflective account of when you have given advice and support

  • Feedback or letters of thanks from trainees for support given

Anonymised examples of meetings, records and case studies

  • Anonymised Occupational Health or Human Resources referrals and involvements

  • Evidence should include reflection on these events

Anonymised examples of support, challenge and careers guidance provided to trainees

  • Examples of printed or electronic materials you provide to trainees seeking guidance

Feedback from peers relating to involvement in organisational/professional activities.

Evidence of role as Peer Mentor