Domain 7: Continuing professional development as an educator
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This domain focuses on your own professional development a medical educator.
The effective supervisor:
Evaluates own supervisory practice e.g. through trainee feedback, peer observation
Takes action to improve own practice on the basis of feedback received e.g. appraisal, informal feedback
Maintains Good Medical Practice in line with Specialty and GMC requirements
Evidence for Domain 7
Courses attended or programmes undertaken, including face-face and online learning, with a focus on CPD.
GMC Trainee or Scottish Training Survey (STS) Results
Evidence should demonstrate discussion, reflection and action on these results
Your local ADME will be able to provide these if your department have not received them
Evidence of Continued CPD
Consider learning needs eg currriculum changes, support for doctors in difficulty, workplace behaviours
Results of 360 degree appraisal
This should include a reflection and a development plan
May also include results of peer review or professional observation of teaching
New qualifications or certificates obtained
Critical comments on relevant books or articles read recently
Focused and achievable PDP for trainer role