Domain 2: Establishing and maintaining an environment for learning


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This domain focusses on how you make the clinical environment safe, and conducive to effective learning, for trainees and others.

The Effective Supervisor: NEED LINK

  • Encourages participation through provision of equality of opportunity and acknowledgement of diversity

  • Ensures that trainees receive the necessary instruction and protection in situations that might expose them to risk

  • Encourages and maintains the confidence of trainees

  • Is open, approachable and available

  • Maintains good interpersonal relationships with trainees and colleagues

  • Provides protected time for teaching and learning

  • Involves the team in the delivery of teaching and supervision

  • Is aware of the team’s experience and skills relating to teaching and supervision

  • Ensures that workload requirements on trainees are both legal and that, wherever possible, they do not compromise learning


Evidence for Domain 2

Courses attended or programmes undertaken, including face to face and online learning, incorporating reference to the learning environment

GMC Trainee or Scottish Training Survey (STS) Results

  • Evidence should demonstrate discussion, reflection and action on these results

  • Your local ADME will be able to provide these if your department have not received them

Other feedback from trainees

  • MSF/360 feedback

  • Reflection of face-to-face meetings with trainees referencing the learning environment

Details of learning programmes (including induction), study schedules, timetables for trainees and clinical teachers

  • This should include a summary of feedback and evaluation of teaching with reflection, and an appropriate action plan for development points

  • This may also include reflections on a teaching session delivered by a trainee or peer

Feedback from Colleagues

Description of training role/environment/trainees supervised

  • May include anonymised examples of when a trainee has spoken out because they’ve felt safe to do so and a reflection on your actions


Links to Useful Resources