Self-assessment tools to stimulate reflection and encourage critical examination of teaching practices.
EDI Aware: self-assessment tools for teaching
Equity, diversity and inclusion are core values of our MED team. They are essential to create a safe, effective learning environment from which no one can be systematically excluded. We have a moral, legal and economic imperative to include EDI in our workplace and educational practices.
NHS Lothian Equality and Human Rights Strategy
Our Equality and Human Rights Strategy 2023 to 2028 supports us to put equality and human rights at the centre of everything we do.
Priority 1: Equality and human rights are a central part of our planning, decision-making, delivery, and reporting.
Priority 2: We are an anti-racist organisation, and our work helps to eliminate racism, remove racialised inequalities and reduce racial prejudice.
Priority 3: We anticipate and meet the needs of disabled people so they can access services, employment opportunities and have better outcomes.
Priority 4: We are gender inclusive, we do not discriminate on grounds of sex or gender identity and our work helps to tackle persistent gender inequalities.
Priority 5: We support people who use our mental health services and people with dementia to know about and claim their rights, and to make decisions about their care and treatment.
Priority 6: We reap the benefits of equality and human rights education and training.
Using the Tools
These EDI self-assessment tools should stimulate reflective thought and encourage educators to critically examine their teaching practices. The assessments demonstrate commitment to personal development and ultimately bring positive changes to how you plan, deliver and evaluate your own teaching.
Please look at the tools and consider how your teaching rates against the criteria. We'd suggest a simple scoring system:
0 = not met
1 = partially met
2 = fully met
This will allow you to evaluate your progress over time. Alternatively, you may wish to use the tools solely as a reference. The tools can be used by individuals for personal reflection or by a team working together.