Obstetrics and Gynaecology SJH
Welcome to your Year 5 placement in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at St John's Hospital. During your time here, you will work in a variety of areas across the department.
Weekly daily review and handover is from 8:30am to 9am on Labour Ward (LW).
ANC, GOPD - Antenatal, Specialist and Gynaecology Clinics are held in OPD 3 from 9am to 12:30pm, and 1:30pm to 4pm.
OT - Gynae operating theatre is in Theatre number 5.
Morning theatre list starts at 9am, pre-list brief at 8:50am and pre-list ward round from 8am.
Afternoon list starts at 1:30pm, pre-list brief from 12:30pm (you will miss the pre-list ward round for the afternoon list if you have a tutorial in the afternoon - you still have to attend the afternoon theatre).
Most cases are in DOSA (day of surgery admission) on the ground floor. Major operating cases will be in ward 12.
LW - Labour ward AM - Caesarean Section list. PM attend to women in labour.
EPU - Early Pregnancy Unit - ward 12.
DBU - Day Bed Unit in ward 10.
WR - Ward Rounds - morning WR - attend ward round with consultant/senior trainee - ask for a case to take a history and present the case and perform any obstetric examination. Gynaecology cases will be history only. Gynaecology examinations are in theatre. Afternoon WR - history taking, presentation and examination.
USS - Ultrasound Scan - session on ward 10 / Day Bed Unit with Dr Rane - 9am.
All students will be timetabled for sessions. If you are double booked, please let me know. You will be timetable to do nights and attend. Collect weekly rota from Secretaries.
Night-shift - when you are doing a night-shift you will be off after the tutorial on the day and the next morning and will attend the tutorial again the next day. Medical handover at 8:30pm on Labour ward and Midwifery handover at 7pm on Labour ward. It is advisable to attend the Midwifery handover so that you are able the attend to a patient in labour with a midwife.
You will get a timetable for weekday daily tutorials - these occur in ward 11, Day room.
We have Supervised Peer teaching tutorials - Students present the topic with laptop and consultant/trainee will supervise. Divide the topics between all of you. Add a case at the end with questions for your colleagues; to make it interactive (can be fictitious).
*Please use RCOG and/or NICE guidelines to prepare the topic*
Learning objectives are on Learn - are found under the Course information, not Group information
*Please liaise with your tutor the day before your tutorial to confirm the time*
Obs and Gyn history taking and case presentations will be on ward rounds with consultants.
You are expected to attend Obs and Gyn / GUM / Ethics sessions, as timetabled during this time.
You are expected to be at SJH from 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, except when you are on nights.
If you make any changes to the rota, please let me know. If you are ill and cannot attend, please let me know and also when you are likely to be back.
During your attachment with us, you are not meant to arrange activities other than those related to your medical course.
Be proactive. Use alco gel before and after touching a patient. Ask questions after the patient has left the clinic. Don't write anything down in front of the patient.
WiFi dongles are available from Pauline Dunlop in the Education Centre at SJH - ext 54052.
Upgrades to WiFi will take place in the accommodation blocks over the next few months.
Car parking
Porters cabin - We do not issue permits to students unless they are staying within the hospital residency.
Students are not able to park in Car Park P (main car park). Please refer to the SJH pages of the website for details of parking in and around the hospital.
Main contacts
Dr Sunit Rane can be contacted via secretary Dawn on ext 53990
Please email me about any absences or timetable changes.