How can I support this work?

We know that lots of our Lothian colleagues will be keen to support this work. We also know that it only takes a small proportion of committed people to change our social norms.
We ask you all to NOTICE, NAME, ACT.
IndividualYour behaviour Behaviour of othersIf you notice sexual misconduct, name itAccess support for yourself and others Report if able
TeamTeam dynamic InclusivityIf you notice sexual misconduct, name itRole model inclusive behaviours Challenge team norms
OrganisationDo you feel safe? Are there explicit expectations around behaviour?If you notice sexual misconduct, name itHighlight concerns through your line manager, trade unions, staff networks


The first thing each of us can do is notice, we need to be attentive to our work environment and the interactions of those within it.

As an individual notice your own behaviour and the behaviour of those around you. Do you feel comfortable with what you are seeing and hearing?

Thinking about your team are you comfortable with the way you come together as a group. Is it inclusive or might people feel uncomfortable? Could you be more inclusive?

From an organisational perspective do you walk into your place of work and have a clear idea of the behaviour expected?



If we are seeing behaviours that fit the description of sexual misconduct then we need to name them. You can review a definition these behaviours here.

We need everyone in the room to recognise that the ‘banter’, the gifs, the intrusive questions support a permissive culture and in many cases fit the definition for sexual misconduct. We need our team members to recognise sexual misconduct in all its forms so we can improve our individual and group behaviours. This isn’t a conversation simply about illegal activity.



We know that it can be difficult to act on what you experience or observe, but there are some simple actions we can all undertake.

We need to support individuals who experience or witness sexual misconduct and we need to support those whose behaviours need to change.

We know, and have discussed the barriers to reporting incidents- if you feel able we would advocate for reporting, at least using one of your organisations anonymous reporting mechanisms or the training surveys to flag areas that might be of concern.

In our teams we need to be having open conversations about the behaviours we want to role model and promoting inclusivity, and in our organisations we need systems and policies in place to safeguard our staff and promote healthy cultures. You can help by prompting healthy conversations in your workplace- through your staff networks, your EDI leads and anyone else who will listen!

Contact us

Dr Sara Robinson
Deputy Director of Medical Education
Emergency Consultant
Dr Valerie Rae
Medical Education Fellow