Sexual Misconduct Resources

Resources for those who want to be an Active Ally


How to be an Active Ally?

We invite everyone in our organisation to be an Active Ally, we are so glad you are joining us.

Becoming an active ally means committing to continually learning and reflecting on your own behaviours and privilege. There may be uncomfortable moments reflecting on past situations where you no longer excuse your own or someone else’s behaviour. This is ok, what’s important is your commitment to learning and adapting from here.
We recognise from the WPSMS report that sexual misconduct disproportionately affects women. However, we acknowledge the need for inclusive language to ensure everyone feels respected, recognised and welcomed in our diverse workplace. Where at all possible, we have avoided gendered language.

1. Educate yourself

Read the reports and our current reporting policies 

BJS Sexual misconduct in surgery article: 'Sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape by colleagues in the surgical workforce, and how women and men are living different realities: observational study using NHS population-derived weights'

WPSMS breaking the silence

21/11/2023: Surviving in Scrubs report: 'Surviving Healthcare: sexism and sexual violence in the healthcare workforce.'

NHS Once for Scotland Policy Bullying and Harrassment

Ross report and recommendations: 'The University of Glasgow's Approaches to Gender-Based Violence'

Engender Rosa project: Tackling sexual and sexist harassment in the workplace

Equality and Human Rights Commission Technical Guidance

GMC Ethical hub: Identifying and Tackling Sexual Misconduct

2. Create a safe space 

Ask where the person is comfortable speaking


Free of blame

Create psychological safety

 Psychological Safety | Turas | Learn (

3. Centre their voices 

Listen and believe them when they share their stories 

“I hear you”  

“It took a lot of courage to tell me about this”

“I’m sorry you had to go through this” 

Do not interrupt

Do not downgrade it or say it could have been worse.  

Demonstrate empathy

Not everyone wants or is ready for anything more than simply being heard.

4. Call out bad behaviour

Use of “I” statements 

Focus attention on how the action or behaviour made you feel rather than labelling the behaviour or person. This increases the likelihood that they are able to hear you and learn.

“I felt really uncomfortable and worried when I heard the comment you made during that meeting” 

“I think I just heard you say XYZ. Can you explain what you mean by that?”

Active Bystander Training 

MED have been offering Active Bystander Training since January of 2023.

This training session gives staff and students the skills to address unacceptable behaviours, including those which may have become normalised over time.

The aims of the session are:

1. To promote an understanding of the impact of disrespectful language and behaviour  

2. Decision-making techniques to help people overcome fear and self-doubt when faced with a challenging situation  

3. Assertiveness techniques to give staff the confidence and tools to speak out, whether they are dealing with the challenge directly or calling for help from others.

We acknowledge that this training does not deal directly with sexual misconduct and are considering how to address this in a sensitive way.  

5. Speak up and report it 

See our links for doctors in training and undergraduates here

6. Active gender inclusion 

Demonstrating respect for all genders when no one is watching 

Thank you for accessing these resources. We acknowledge that this is only a starting point and would welcome feedback. If you feel something is missing or would like to help shape our next steps please complete this anonymous form

How to support witnesses of harassment and build healthier workplaces

What makes you speak up -- or not -- when you see something you know is wrong? Memory scientist Julia Shaw explains the psychology of those who witness workplace discrimination and harassment -- and shares actionable steps companies can take to support and amplify their voices.