Making working across the region easier
Lead Employer - East Region
NHS East is one of the geographical regional employers of Resident Doctors. Along with NHS West and North, it will share the contractual arrangements of Resident Doctors on local, regional and national programmes.
There are 4 regional employers for Resident Doctors in Scotland: West, East, North and NES. NES will be the single employer for all GPSTs in Scotland. The other 3 NHS organisations will geographically share the contractual arrangements for doctors on local, regional and national training programmes.
Who is employed by NHS East
NHS Lothian is the Lead Employer for NHS East for Resident Doctors. It is the employer for all local and regional Trainees and is also the Lead Employer for a number of national training programmes:
Diagnostic Neuropathology
Plastic Surgery
Forensic Histopathology
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Community and Sexual and Reproductive Health
Cardiothoracic Surgery (all)
Genitourinary Medicine
Vascular Surgery
Rehabilitation Medicine
Forensic Psychiatry
Clinical Genetics
Core Surgical Training (East/North regional programmes)