Histopathology at RIE
Histopathology at RIE
RIE induction
On Day 1, only the ST1 and FY1 trainees assigned to RIE will attend the corporate induction at RIE.
On Days 2 and 3, all SE Scotland ST1s and FY1 trainees will attend the departmental induction at RIE. They will be split into 2 groups and tour the laboratory approximately 15 to 30 minutes apart. This is purely due to the limitation of physical space in the laboratory.
On each day, all trainees to meet Dr Chee Thum (Consultant Pathologist) at RIE at 8:55am before being directed to relevant personnel.
Day 1 Wednesday
(ST1, FY1, any other new Starts to the Department)
Corporate induction
Departmental induction following corporate induction:
Meet consultants and trainees
Meet secretaries
Meet Gill Duncan – Computer access, Badge, book TRAK training, leaves application forms, STSS
Meet assigned Clinical Supervisors
Day 2 Thursday
(ST1 and FY1)
9am: Specimen Reception – Specimen booking and team distribution
9:30am: Trimming and decalcification
10:30am: Embedding of blocks
11am: Block cutting
Midday to 1pm: Lunch
1pm: Special staining
2pm: Clinical supervisor teaching
3pm: Immunohistochemistry
4:30pm: Specimens go into processor
** To observe frozen sections if any are done during the day
Day 3 Friday
(ST1 and FY1)
9am to 5pm - Shadow trainees to learn:
Setting up microscope
Location where slides are issued to pathologists and filing
Location of SOP
Use of dictation, docking
Use of Winscribe
Use of ILab (Apex) – CPRES, RNQ
Use of templates when dictating, SNOWMED coding
During the day (at some point) - Observe secretaries typing to learn the use of templates and SNOWMED coding
Local teaching
At the RIE, there is a 30 to 60 minute teaching session every day at 2pm taken in turn by the Clinical Supervisors.
In addition, there are a number of informal teaching activities including team consensus meetings.
These sessions are held in the multiheader teaching room.
There are several Multidisciplinary team meetings which the Pathology teams at the RIE contribute to. You are welcome to attend any of these; please speak to the relevant consultant who can let you know where these take place.
1pm: Liver meeting, RIE
2pm to 3pm: National Paediatric oncology meeting, RHSC
4pm: Endocrine MDM, 3rd Monday of each month, Chancellor's building
8:30am: Lung MDM, Oncology seminar room, WGH
10:30am: Head & Neck MDM (videoconference from RIE)
Midday: HPB MDM, RIE
4:30pm: Lothian sarcoma group, RIE (video conference)
8:30am to 10am: Gynae MDM, Board Room RIE
12:30pm: Transplant radiology
1pm: Paediatric mortality meeting
1pm (alt): Renal MDM, RIE
8:00am: Upper GI MDM, RIE
8:30am: Lung MDM, Postgraduate centre, RIE
8:30am: Paediatric oncology meeting, RHSC
1pm: Fetal anomaly meeting (alt), RIE