Histopathology at WGH
Histopathology at WGH
On Day 1, only the ST1 and new starts to Lothian trainees assigned to WGH will attend the corporate induction at WGH.
On Days 2 and 3, all SE Scotland ST1s and FY1 trainees will attend the Departmental induction at RIE (see RIE page for further information).
Day 1 Wednesday
(ST1, and any other new Starts to the Department)
Corporate induction
Departmental induction following corporate induction:
Meet Dr Ashley Graham (Consultant Pathologist) at WGH after corporate Induction before being directed to relevant personnel
Meet secretaries
Meet Patricia Nimmo – Computer access, Badge, book TRAK training, leaves application forms, STSS
Meet assigned Clinical Supervisors
Day 2 and 3, Thursday and Friday
Attend RIE Pathology Department for induction to the Laboratory
Meet Dr Chee Thum (Consultant Pathologist) at RIE at 8:55am before being directed to relevant personnel.
Local teaching
At the WGH, there are a number of informal teaching activities including team consensus meetings. These are held throughout the week around the multiheader microscope in the seminar room.
There are several Multidisciplinary team meetings which the Pathology teams at the WGH contribute to. You are welcome to attend any of these; please speak to the relevant consultant, who can let you know where these take place.
8:30am to 11:30am: Breast MDM, Breast Unit seminar room WGH
8:30am (every 3 months): Neuroendocrine tumour MDM, Oncology seminar room WGH
8:45am to 9:15am Unknown primary MDM, Radiology seminar room WGH
1:45pm to 2:30pm: Ardmillan breast screening teleconference
2pm: Skin lymphoma MDM, 3rd Monday of each month, Pathology seminar room WGH
8:30am to 11:30am: Breast MDM, Breast Unit seminar room WGH
4pm to 5pm: Paediatric GI CPC, alternate weeks, Pathology seminar room WGH
8:30am: Breast MDM (St John’s cases), Breast Unit seminar room WGH
9am to 11am: Urology MDM, Oncology seminar room WGH
1:30pm: Ardmillan Breast Screening
8am to 9:30am: Colorectal MDM, Oncology seminar room WGH
Midday to 2pm: Lymphoma MDM, Breast seminar room WGH.
2pm to 4pm: Skin combined clinic and CPC (monthly), Dermatology department, Lauriston Building.
8:30am to 9:30am: Skin cancer MDM, Oncology seminar room WGH
9am: Breast MDM (Borders cases), WGH
1pm: Neuro-oncology MDM, WGH
1:30pm to 2:30pm: Inflammatory bowel disease MDM, Pathology seminar room WGH