

The Edinburgh Cancer Centre, Western General Hospital, is a tertiary oncology centre for the South East of Scotland, accepting patients from the Lothians, Borders, Fife and Dumfries & Galloway. The unit comprises outpatients, day chemotherapy and radiotherapy and over 70 inpatient beds, a Cancer Assessment Unit and the Teenage Cancer Trust unit.

The unit works closely with our surgical, palliative care and haematology colleagues, as well as the Cancer Research Centre neighbouring the Western General, with the aim of providing the best quality curative and palliative care.


Oncology Online Quality System

OOQS is the main page associated with oncology on the NHS Lothian Intranet - here you will find extensive and very useful information which will help you find your feet, and be a point of reference throughout your post here.

It is worth having a look through before you start if you have Lothian Intranet access – includes

  • Information on each cancer type and its management

  • Guidelines for oncology emergencies management

  • Specific oncology guidelines eg for treatment of venous thromboembolism

  • Managing chemotherapy and radiotherapy side effects

  • Information on chemotherapy regimes, potential adverse effects and supportive treatment which should be prescribed with them

Western General Hospital

Crewe Rd S,
0131 537 1000